France's anaerobic digestion Cluster

Evergaz, founding member of Biogaz Vallée®

In 2010, Evergaz, along with the Aube department and the Aube Chamber of Agriculture, initiated the creation of Biogaz Vallée®, the national industrial cluster designed to structure the biogas sector. Lionel Le Maux, Evergaz's co-founding partner, is the president of the association.

Biogaz Vallée® intends to federate, coordinate and support the anaerobic digestion sector to accelerate its construction and maximise its potential which is currently under-exploited in France.

Biogaz Vallée® provides biogas stakeholders with operational support in the form of practical actions:

  • dissemination and sharing of new expertise and knowledge,
  • communication and networking with those involved in the sector,
  • organisation of specific training courses (operation, maintenance, etc.),
  • launch of new Research & Development projects,
  • welcoming and supporting innovative companies in their creation or development phase
  • search for funding to assist entrepreneurs and innovative project initiators

Biogaz Vallée® brings together more than 60 prominent members from the public and private sectors, actively involved in anaerobic digestion.

France's first anaerobic digestion demonstrator

One of the cornerstones of Biogaz Vallée® is the ongoing creation of a laboratory and an industrial-size demonstrator, which will drive the establishment of a biogas eco-industry in the Aube department while raising France's profile, no longer as a buyer of foreign solutions and technologies but as an innovation driver in this sector.

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